Thursday, 28 February 2013

7 Days - The tantrum

Mini egg nails//new hair//photoshoot//Rosie decided to apply make up//photoshoot


I have been a terrible blogger of late and my only excuse is that I have been quite busy with work and also have developed a terrible addiction - to Candy Crush. If you don't know what that is then never find out as it will take over your life!

Last week was really quite uneventful in our household, Monday to Thursday involved the usual activities such as work, nursery, swimming and such like. Friday we had a bit of a situation; we had gone into town to do some odds and ends which began with a visit to the Post Office as I had about 14 parcels to send and Tom had to update his driving license photograph. The queue is always massive at this Post Office and they are so slow at serving - unusually so, but as we walked in I noticed they had a new touch screen pay and go parcel machine. Thinking this would make my life much easier I told Tom that I would just use that whilst he was waiting in the queue for the fancy DVLA photo booth. Rosie was sort of dotting between us which was fine until Tom got further away and the place started to get busier. I asked her to come over and help me, which she did for about 3 seconds before deciding she wanted to go back to daddy. I explained to her that she had to stay with me and as she tried to escape I grabbed her hand. We then experienced the mother of all Meltdowns. She was screaming and kicking and lying on the floor. All with me trying to hold on to her hand whilst weighing and scanning parcels through this machine. If I could of I would have stopped what I was doing but there was a man waiting behind me so I just tried to do it all as quickly as I could. At one point I glanced up and all I could see was these faces just staring at me as if to say "Look at that terrible child, the mother can control her" etc etc. As soon as I could I took Rosie over to the side and sat her on the seats. A lovely kind lady came across and asked if I needed any help or if there was anything she could do for me. She also tried to talk to Rosie to tell her that she had to help mummy. A minute or so later Tom came across and I actually just burst into tears I was that mortified. My heart was racing and I could feel my blood pumping, also in the process I had managed to hurt my back. Tom managed to calm us all down and we finally got the parcels posted. I never want to experience a situation like that again and will definitely make sure Rosie is always in a pram! Goodness knows what it will be like with two!!

After the trauma of the Post Office we did actually go to a nice little tea room for some lunch but I was still so flustered by it all that I didn't really think to take any pics - it was delicious though. Rosie was unfortunately still playing up. She has been so naughty lately!

On Saturday I had a Bridal trial in the morning which was great fun as my clients has decide she wants to go for a Cara Delvingne look which shakes it up a bit from the usual requests. After the trial I went and got my hair chopped off. I think about 6 or 7 inches must have came off it and it is now it a lovely long bob style which is so much easier to maintain that my long, thick, main was and it feels so much healthier. Here is a before and after pic:


Sunday, Rosie and Tom went off to Tom's parents for my nephews 3rd birthday party whilst I worked on a photo shoot. It was a hard day and we worked from 12 till 7 but got some brilliant shots and had such a laugh. When I came home I was ready to collapse in my bed but not after a few rounds of Candy Crush!!


Love Sophie




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