Thursday, 7 February 2013

Pregnancy update - week 23



How far along? 23 weeks


Total weight gain/measurements: When I do get on a pair of scales I am going to get one big shock but up until now I still havent weighed myself. I feel really bloated though - especially around the face. I am now measuring at 38 1/4 inches round the bump.

Maternity clothes: I think I will get away for another month or so yet. I am living in leggings, jeggings and dresses though.

Stretch marks: None.

Sleep: Brilliant - well it would be if I got a whole nights continuous sleep without a Rosie interruption.

Best moment this week: Working on the photoshoot, really got my creative juices flowing!

Miss anything? Pate again!

Movement: Oh yes! Yesterday the bambino was kicking all day long and some really sore ones too!

Food cravings? Not really but I have been stuffing my face with crap really. All I seem to want is stuff thats bad for you now! And I am hungry all the time!

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not any new ones.

Gender: Still a girl as far as I know!

Labour signs: Far to early!

Symptoms: I have had a bit of a bad head yesterday and today and feel exhausted. Mind you that could be symptoms of wasting too much of my life on Candy Crush! Bump is very solid now and I do get out of breath really easily.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? Would be on!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy.

Looking forward to: 24 Week Midwife check! Completeing Candy Crush.



Love Sophie XoX






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