Wednesday, 6 March 2013

7 days


park days with daddy//sunny blue skies// working hard //Rosie's 1st bus trip // beautiful brides

Monday - a boring work day where nothing much happened at all, seemed to be pretty busy so the time past quick. I finished at half 2 and then headed home for a few hours of cleaning, organising and reading before my parents dropped Rosie off.

Tuesday - It was such a lovely day that we decided to go to the local park rather than swimming for a change. Rosie had great fun, her favourite has to be the slide by a mile. Although she did enjoy the digger they have there - maybe not as much as her dad by the looks of things. After the park we went to the local cafe and filled up with soup and sandwiches followed by a huge ice cream! When we got back we were all so stuffed that we ended up having a big family nap before Tom went to work.

Wednesday - Another work day for me but a 12pm finish! After work I stopped by Tesco's and picked up some ingredients to make cakes with Rosie. We made Banana and Nut Muffins and Mars Bar Crispy Cake. It was the first time I have tried baking with Rosie and she really enjoyed mixing in the crispies to the melted chocolate. I found it to be a great recipe for toddlers. We might try biscuits next time as I think she would enjoy using cookie cutters. Once Rosie went to bed I had an exciting night of doing business accounts and replying to a million business emails.

Thursday - Nothing at all really happened today at all! I worked till 2.30 and then we dropped Tom's car off for its MOT :( We did pop to my parents for a lovely Chinese take away. My absolute favourite take away. Only problem was I stuffed my face so much, and Chinese makes me so bloated on a good day - mix this up with pregnancy and it was a disaster. I was so uncomfortable :( Doesn't put me off though!!

Friday - Today was another lovely day up here, which was handy as me and Rosie were to embark on Rosie's 1st ever bus trip, as I had then dentist and Tom was using my car. I had explained the night before that we were going on the bus which she seemed excited about, her favourite Peppa Pig episode is the bus trip one. On the walk to the stop we talked about all things bus related, normally she is a bit of a nightmare to walk with as she wants picked up all the time but she walked no problem although it did take us double the time! She really enjoyed getting her ticket off the bus driver and even sang the wheels on the bus! Much to the other passengers amusement. My mum kindly met us at the dentist so she could watch Rosie, we then went for a quick coffee before heading back to mums for the afternoon.

Saturday - We had one of those mornings where me and Tom seemed to constantly ask each other "what do you want to do today?" but neither of us could actually think of anything. I hate indecisive days! Finally we decided on a trip to Nando followed by Rosie's 2nd cinema trip to see Wreck It Ralph. I had my usual Nando's treat - Chicken Breast Pitta (Medium) with a side of fries and Halloumi ( my favourite bit). We then went to the cinema to be nearly knocked off our feet when the total price for 2 and a half tickets came to £30!! OH MY GOD - when did the cinema become so expensive! Granted we had to go and see the 3D viewing which we wouldn't have normally gone for but Tom didn't realise when he was looking up times. The film was really good and very funny - Rosie did so well considering she has a 5 minute attention span. There was a couple of times when she got fed up and wanted out her seat which was a bit of a handful and she would not wear the glasses (not surprising really) but didn't seem to be bothered by the fuzzy screen! I don't really rate 3D films very much, I though UP was pretty cool and went to see Avatar at the Imax but the others I have experienced just haven't blown me away. Whats your thoughts? I would say Wreak it Ralph would be just as enjoyable not in 3D and it really isn't work the extra £5 or whatever it was!

Sunday was the worst day weather wise which was a shame as it was the wedding day of one of my lovely clients (pictured above) Laura went for a classic vintage look of flawless skin, a softly contoured eye and luscious red lips. It really suited her style and personality. Laura had the most amazing cathedral veil that seemed to go on forever yet was so light which is really handing for putting in and taking out. I cant wait to see her pictures. After the wedding I headed home to Tom and Rosie where we spent the afternoon yet again packing and organising the house. I actually just cant wait move out now!!

Hope you all had a good week, next up will be my 24 week bump update!!!

Sophie xox


1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had an awesome busy week! the wedding sounds so beautiful!
    can't wait to see your growing bump :))
