Wednesday, 6 February 2013

What I ate Wednesday #3

Whilst standing doing the dishes this evening I had that horrible "forgotten to do something but can't think what" feeling. I went through my mental to do list and nothing seemed to jump out, then it hit me! Shit! I had forgotten to take pictures for this very post. Never mind eh, worst things happen so I will just crack on pictureless.



Just the usual porridge and banana for me this morning accompanied by a cup of coffee (decaf). I switched to decaf last week so I could indulge in more than one cup of coffee if I wish as I have gone right off tea, which is strange as I have been a tea Jenny since I was about 9 months old and used to get it in my bottle! Now we normally have decaf tea in the house and the only difference I can make out is I would rather have tetly or my much beloved Scottish blend, however Tom insists on PG Tips. What is wrong with him?! Anyway, I thought it would be the same with coffee but I just don't seem to be enjoying my daily cup of java as much as I used too. It has a taste of falseness around it, much like sweetners. So I may have to switch back. There is some utterly useless info for you all.



1/2 tomato, mozzarella and pesto panini, of lack lustre side salad, small bowl of homemade lentil soup.

Today was swim day and my plan never included having lunch there as it is such a bloody rip off but we were later coming out and I wanted to get Rosie down for a nap so I just grabbed something there. When I got back home Tom had made soup so I had a small bowl since I shared my lunch with a toddler.



Packet of crisps - a nice healthy choice



Sausage and mash - a hug on a plate! I love this dish so much and it is just so simple to throw together. If we are feeling fancy we have it as toad in the hole but today it was simple style. It is also a meal that I know Rosie will eat without fuss.


And that's it for this week. I promise I will have some lovely images to accompany next weeks post but for now I will leave you with this picture of my charming daughter who had a full blown tantrum because she dropped some ready brek.

Love Sophie XoX


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