Friday, 1 February 2013

Cracking & Crap #1

 Image from and doesn't really have any 
relevance but its pretty! 

So I thought I would start doing my version of weekly summaries or in's and out's, I welcome Cracking & Crap!


♡ Tom has been working really crap shifts over Christmas and new year but this has calmed down of late and he is now at home a lot more.

♡ My freelance work is starting to pick up as we come closer to wedding season. I love being a make up artist but as my work is mostly bridal it means quiet winters, which means less money! From February onwards I am quite busy again with weddings and trials.

♡ A really cracking thing is feeling k2 (aka the bump) move about. It is so weird yet so warming!

♡ I have found so many new blogs over the last 2 weeks and my reading list is pretty full up! At some point my plan is to add a wee blog roll tab so I can share my finds.

♡ Now this wasn't that great but my ipad was having some teething problems, namely it was shit and the touch screen intermittently became non responsive. Simple tasks were talking hours, I couldn't even read blogs without hassle. I eventually managed to take it to get fixed and they replaced the whole thing! Brilliant!


  • I am totally skint :(, obviously cause its January, work is quiet, and I have too many debts from my reckless youth!
  • Basically, cut short, the story of our lives at the moment is that we live in Scotland but we want to live in South Wales for numerous reasons. We can only do this if Tom finds a full time job, which is proving to be bloody hard. We cant really set down any roots here in case we do move soon, and I can't take many advanced bookings or concentrate on expanding the business. It also isn't great for Rosie, I would love to get her enrolled in a ballet class but I am hesitant to if I have to move half way through.
  • I have had enough of this rubbish weather. I seriously think we live in some crap micro climate. We had no summer what so ever, winter has been a wash out, people 3 miles down the road had inches of snow and all we had was slushy snow which was really just rain in disguise. Another reason why we want to move to South Wales, although still Britain it is definitely better weather!
  • Having a best friend that lives hundreds of miles away, sometimes we just need a hug from each other or to help each other through bad times but distance makes this a problem. If the moving thing goes to plan then this will go from crap to cracking :)

Obviously, as you can see the things that are crap in my life are problematic but people deal with a lot more. I don't really like moaning too much and try to act and think positively most of the time but sometimes you just got to let it out!

Sophie XoX


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