Tuesday, 12 February 2013

7 Days

Pancakes//my face//20 week scan//cute toddler Toms//meal planning//a delicious dinner (thanks Charlotte & Rosie)//baby top knots//cake face//k2

So the other week I did a list of what's been good or bad in my life but I have decided to change that and instead do a weekly round up post. Purely because that's what I enjoy reading and as I want this blog to be an online journal of my life I think it fits in better. I am hoping to post these every Monday but it true "me" style I am already a day late with that!



It is the start of wedding season for my business which unknown to many isn't May to September but actually more like February to November so really the only two months I have off is Dec and Jan. Through out those months I have been chomping at the bit to get back to the swing of things so was very happy when I had an appointment booked in for a trial on Sunday morning. Off I went to meet my lovely client and work out some wedding day looks for her. She was so sweet and had the cutest little boy! I love clients that you can have a right good laugh or chat with. After her trial I went and did a quick food shop before coming home to do some admin work. Tom and Rosie were staying with his mum and dad so I had the house to myself to get on with those bitty jobs that you never get round to doing. When they got back I gave R such a big squeeze and the we had some fun playing whilst Tom cooked a delicious tea of sweet and sour chicken, then it was bath, story and bed for R and then some blog time for me!



As well as working freelance I also work 15 hours as a medical secretary at our local hospital. Monday is a day that I work there and always begin with a totally mad dash of getting up, ready, getting Rosie ready, packing bags and dropping R off before heading to work. It is always such a crazy rush and I am always at least 5 mins late for work. I just never have enough time! I finished work at 2.30 and then headed home where I had a few ours to myself to tidy the house and more importantly catch up on blogs! My mum has R till around 7pm so when she gets home it's just a case of putting her to bed and having a catch up with my lovely mum.



Tuesday is swimming day, well it has been since last week. I just wanted to spend some more quality time with R, especially before K2 comes along so decided we would go once a week. She was so good and I think only had 2 tantrums, one brought on by the little accident we had... They have a wee toddler pool bit with a cracking slide that has been there since I was about 4, to get up to the top there is two narrow sort of enclosed stair cases either side. I was hoping that for some stupid reason R wouldn't notice the slide (it's pretty much the focal point of the pool) as normally there is me and Tom there. One to help her up the steps and the other at the bottom to catch her. Of course she spotted the slide and was desperate to have a go so I reluctantly allowed her, telling her to be very careful. Are two year olds ever careful? No. So of course she wasn't paying attention going up the stairs and of course she ended up falling down half of them, backwards! I was horrified, I rushed out to see she was ok - which she was, after a few moments of tears and kisses better. But she wanted to embarrass me more and when I told her that she couldn't go up again cause it was to dangerous she had a melt down. This was worse that the fall. A kind man asked if she was ok and suggested that his son could take her up the stairs, so off she went and finally had her shot on the slide. As soon as she hit the bottom, I caught her, thanked the man and rushed off totally mortified. Swimming totally wears R out so when we got back we had lunch and then she went for a 3 hr nap whilst I sorted through some stuff to pack as we are moving in the next few weeks.



Today was another work day but only till 12pm so after work I decided to grab some ingredients and have a go at making a chocolate cake with the help (or hindrance) of R. After that it was time to cook tea before story bath and bed. I was totally shattered after R went to bed as Tom works late Monday - Wednesday so it's constant go go go.



Another work day till 2.30 - it seemed to be hectic at work yet time passed so so slow. I hate days like that. I had taken some chocolate cake in for my colleagues which was very much appreciated, try it for yourself here. It's funny how I work with a team of Dietitians yet there is always some sort of cake/treat in the kitchen! After work I nipped to B&Q to get a starter switch for our light. Does anyone else feel totally out of their depth in there? I must always have a look of sheer confusion, or they have very good customer service and someone always asked if they can help! Thank goodness as otherwise I would have been there for 3 hours instead of 5 mins! I got the switch and headed home with the intention of fixing (or rather watching Tom fix) our stupid kitchen light that has been on the blink for weeks, I was totally over cooking in the dark! I proudly presented the vital part, however it turned out that wasn't the problem, the bulb had gone too! I was livid. What a fail.



Friday was our 20 week scan day which you can read about here.



We were supposed to be heading to a 2nd birthday party but both Rosie and Tom were suffering from colds and were a bit under the weather so we decided not to go and instead had a cosy day in, where I sorted through bags and bags of Rosie's old clothes. I actually cannot believe how much stuff she had, most of which was given from kind friends who's babies had outgrown them. Sorting through the clothes actually took around 4 hours! It was a bit of a non eventful day really!



Tom was working all day today so again me and Rosie just hung out, watched about a thousand episodes of "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" and "Doctor McStuffins", made puzzles, coloured in and just made a mess. I decided that I was going to have a go at Rosie from Cider with Rosie Bee's Chicken and leek pie recipe and what better to go with it than Charlotte's Roasties recipe. Oh my - it was delicious! Seriously the best meal I have cooked for a while. You need to try it now! Also a bonus is that it's really pretty simple. I have added it to my list of favourite meals. After stuffing my face to the point where I needed to lie on a cold floor, I helped Tom put Rosie to bed and then chilled out with some blogs.

Love Sophie XoX




  1. Love all your photos, those Toddler Toms are adorable and cake face made me laugh! It always makes me smile when reading your blog as I am a Rosie and my boyfriend is Tom so we have similar names in our mini family (albeit without a little one!) Glad Rosie was okay after the slide incident! xo

    Rosie | A Rosie Outlook

  2. Thank you very much! They are so cute, she had an even smaller plink pair when she was about 1. Yeah I noticed our names are all the same, you just need to have a daughter called Sophie! Haha. Luckily she recovered quick and wasn't scared to go on it again this week! X x
