Monday, 11 February 2013

Groceries #2

Something rare happened this week - Tom unpacked the shopping!!!! Whilst this was a lovely rare occurrence unfortunately he manage to do it before I had realised that I hadn't had chance to take a picture. I am really not doing well at the picture thing this week! I promise to try better next week. If you would like to see more of my photos then feel free to follow me on Instagram. I normally post at least one picture a day there!

I was going to type out the list but with the above picture it's not really necessary as its pretty obvious what the items are. FYI " easy fit pants" are R's nappies!

Again it was a pretty cheap week, so along with Tom's discount and the coupons we had it was about £35!

Here is an idea of our meal plan this week:

Bacon & leek pasta

Home made Nandos

Chicken & leek pie with veg and roasties

Roasted red pepper pasta

It's just me for meals on Monday night and only me an Rosie on Tues, Wed so we normally have left overs on those nights or cheeky freezer meals such as fish fingers!

Love Sophie XoX



  1. You must share with us how you make homemade Nandos, do you do it with their own marinades? Nandos is a bit of a weakness of mine (as are fishfingers!) Just read back through some older posts, Peppa Pig World is just round the corner from where we live, I need to commandeer a child so I can go, haha! :) xo

    Rosie | A Rosie Outlook

    1. It's really simple and delicious. You just pour the marinade over some chicken and leave for 30 mins (or longer if you want) and then cook it. We had with pitta, salad and hallumi with a bit of mayo and then whatever side you want! You could be fancier and but the special mayo and some of the sauce but I never add any more sauce to what I get so no point. I think the total cost was about £6 for two portions! Bargain! No unlimited juice though!

      I would live to live down that way - we have relatives in Poole and Surrey so down a couple of times a year and I love it! Would move there in a flash!

      Thank you so much for your comments! X x x

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