Thursday, 17 January 2013


So I thought it would a good idea to kick off this blog with a wee introduction post and provide a bit of background.

My name is Sophie, I am 28 years old and have a wonderful boyfriend named Tom. Together we are responsible for our bundle of joy, Rosie, who is 2 going on 12! We recently found out that we are expecting our second baby who is due in the summer!

This is actually my second blog, I felt I just outgrew the first one and thought it would be easier to start afresh. The blogs I most enjoy reading are mostly lifestyle so I expect this one to be much the same - a bit of beauty, fashion, family life and the such like.

Anyway, a big thank you for dropping bye and if you are interested to read more then please subscribe. Please feel free to send others along too!

Love Sophie XoX

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