Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Bump watch wk 18 &19

How far along? 19 weeks

Total weight gain/measurements? This is a weird one as I feel like the bump has grow but when I measured it was 37.5??? Maybe it mis measured last time or maybe I have lost weight. Really need to get myself on some scales!

Maternity clothes? Nope not yet!

Stretch marks? Still none to report but my tummy has all that fuzzy baby hair all over it, attractive!

Sleep? This has gone right down hill over the last few days, I have had a lot on my mind so maybe that is what is up and it has been very windy at night which wakes me up. I just can't get comfortable anymore - I want to s,eep on my tummy!

Best moment this week? Feeling lots more movement and some good strong kinds, this pregnancy has suddenly got real.

Miss anything? Still pâté, and having some beer cravings of late!

Movement? Yes a fair bit, mostly when I am sitting or lying down but I am feeling kicks and that rolling sorta thing too!

Food cravings? None really - apart from the beer thing and I really wanted Guinness the other day!

Anything make you queasy/sick? Lack of sleep!

Gender? One week to go!

Labour signs? None!

Symptoms? I have been feeling tired again but that's due to the sleep thing! Boobs are still sore now and again and feel really heavy. My bump has been aching quite a lot and getting some lower back pain. Also getting sore pains down my thighs which I had with Rosie and is unpleasant! Skin is still bad!

Belly button - in or out? In.

Wedding rings - on or off? Would be on.

Happy or moody? Hmmm this is a hard one, definitely felt a bit low over the last week but that is not really pregnancy related.

Looking forward to? Tom being able to feel some kicks, and our next scan!


Sophie XoX



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